Success and happiness is dicated by our beliefs

Lets look in detail what beliefs are and how they affect our life abundance.
Beliefs are thoughts that are accepted by the mind to be truthful.

Beliefs have the ability to create or destroy so yes what beliefs you hold in your subconscious mind is critical to your success or failure.

What is a limiting belief?
A limiting belief is something you believe to be true about yourself, about others, or about the world that limits you in some way. These beliefs may hold you back from taking chances, starting a new relationship,new career and resist personal growth and development.

The challenge with limiting beliefs are that most of us don’t think we have them and they can be really hard to spot.

We all have unlimited Potential but are only limited by our beliefs. So when we want an outcome and unconsciously we possess a limiting belief like, “I am not good enough” we will often sabotage the outcome. The unconscious mind or the subconscious mind will trump the conscious mind.

For instance, if a person believes that she is confident, we can say that she has the belief “I am confident” stored somewhere in her subconscious mind. How do you think such a person would behave? Of course, she will behave confidently.

So yes our Beliefs are so important to our success in life. Our beliefs are all part of a cycle and a proven formula to attain success.