Some reasons why people dont’t let go of limiting beliefs

Some people can’t let go of there limiting beliefs. The key component to removing and replacing limiting beliefs is to be ready for change. You need to be 100 percent committed to letting go.That’s why when I work one on one I ask my clients, “If they are ready to let go their belief and also do they give me permission to so.” By answering these questions they are actually giving themselves permission to let go. Once they have done this we can commence the belief work and replace their
limiting beliefs.

When people can’t let go of some of their beliefs there can be many reasons. One interesting reason is when people use their limiting beliefs to serve them. Some people when they are sick love the attention they get from that illness.

One of the techniques I use when treating clients with illness is to identify and replace several beliefs. Some of these are replacing their limiting Belief “I am not worthy of gods love” with I understand what it feel like to be worthy of gods love.” Until the disease no longer serves them.”

So people are fearful of letting go of diseases as they believe that the diseases is a part of their life and that they were put on this planet to suffer. They are also fearful that is they remove their disease what else is there left to live for.

I heard from a colleague, the story of a lady in a wheel chair. She had sought healing and after a period of time her health had dramatically improved and she could walk again. To everyones dismay she refused to walk choosing to stay in her wheel chair. After further investigating her beliefs it was established that she had a belief, if she was to walk again friends and family wouldn’t fuss over her and cease giving her attention. Her illness was self imposed and served her so she decided to stay with life in the wheel chair. That’s why it is important to give people the positive feeling of pleasure to outcomes when remove and replacing beliefs. In the end people make their own decision if they want to make change?